Archive for the tag 'white'

Lighting Observation #8

1. March 7th 2014 at around 8:30 at Take-One Theatres.

2. A long rectangular strip of lights that flash colors of cyan and red. Along with it is a bright, white spotlight.

3. On a Friday night, Take-One Theatres opened up their first show of ‘Peter Pan’. To make our flying scene magical we used a massive strip of lights that illuminated the space our Peter “flew” around. The light blinked bright, saturated reds and blues around the stage, generating a warm and exciting aura to the show. As Peter Pan whizzed around, a bright, white light shone down upon her, making her the star of the moment. The astonishing lighting made her the center of attention and helped the audience feel the magic of the moment.

Photo Observation #8

1. Stage Lighting II


3. Desire.

4. It’s no secret that almost everyone’s desire is to be on the big stage. The bright, white lights that surround the enthusiastic singer from ten different angles around him. These lights make him the center of attention. Four blue spotlights hang from the very top of stage, beaming down on the stage, giving it a serene and “cool” feel. All the lights on stage illuminate the action on stage and light up the darkness that surrounds the wild audience. The lighting on the singers and the stage indicates that it is their time to shine.

5. Capture

Photo Observation #6 – The Night Sky

1. 800px-Night_Sky_Stars_Trees_02


3. Inspiring.

4. The world is full of many inspirations, but nothing compares to the twinkling of the night sky.  Most people can spend hours stargazing and making wishes upon the bright, dazzling stars. The stars watch over us at such an incredible height with their white lights cascading over the earth, bringing light to the dark sky. The stars surround the equally beautiful moon that reflects the light from the sun. The moon and the stars are a wonderful contrast to the dark sky by illuminating the night with their intense white light. Their vibrant glow lights the way for us to follow our dreams.

Lighting Observation #4

1. February 18th, 11:30-12:00 at night on Portion Road.

2. This light is a bunch of bright headlights rushing by the left side of me. In front of me are red, some-what circular brake lights. These lights shined during a pitch black night.

3. As I drive home from a long day of work, I noticed the blaring, but beautiful headlights that rush past me on a dark night. They start off as a small twinkle in the distance, but as the cars on the other side rush by, they become two big white lights, creating a streak of brightness that lasts for a mere second. In front of me are two glowing red lights that flicker on and off. These brilliant lights were all around me as they illuminated the rest of my way home.


Photo Observation #4 – Lonely



3. Lonely

4. On a dark night, a lone soul walks along a black and empty footpath.  The only light provided is a dull, white light emitted from the street lamps surrounding the dusky pathway. The lampposts do a poor job illuminating this vacant area, giving it an uninviting atmosphere. Silhouettes of trees and bushes rise along the walkway.  This wanderer strolls through a vast area of darkness alone, with nothing but his shadow beside him.

Lighting Observation #2

1. February 4th 2014 at around 7:30 at Take-One Theaters.

2. A bright white light coming from an ellipsoidal reflector spotlight. It is a warm, circular and luminous spot.

3. When I stood under the spotlight, the atmosphere was overwhelming. I felt like a star. The long, white beam of light shone down on me and suddenly, I was the center of attention. I was the most important actor on that stage. As the brightness of the light rose, so did my confidence. As I moved on stage, the shimmering glow of the spot followed my every footstep. This simple, conical strand of light put me on top of the world.

Lighting Observation 1

1) Thursday 1/30/14, 7:41 AM, my dorm room

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: At the back wall of our dorm room, there is a window which looks out to Oak Street. This morning, the light from the newly risen sun was streaming in through the blinds.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: As I looked at the window, I noticed a bright white light streaming in through between the blinds. The light stretched its fingers across the floor, creating a magnificent piece of artwork on the stained blue carpet on the floor. The light appeared pure white, like the color of a freshly fallen snow. To wake up to this beautiful image was a sign that today was going to be a good day.

photo observation 7


I love this lighting.  All of the different colors and different angles behind him make for something very aesthetically pleasing, but then you wonder why Dave himself isn’t all red.


Lighting Observation #1

1) Thursday Feb. 3 2011, 12:00 P.M.

2) The noon-time sun reflecting off the snow in front of Constitution Hall.

3) The sun at noon was strong, and my eye was unaccustomed to the brightness after days of cloud cover. Walking out of my building, I was struck by the brightness of the sun reflecting off the snow. The light-colored brick of the graduate building caused the whole scene to blend together. It felt abrasively cold (emotionally speaking) and very jarring. The brightness felt out of place in an area as developed and urban as Hempstead.

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