Bizarre Photo


Theme: Bizarre

I chose this photo since typically the moon does not appeal blue, especially from my house in Maryland. The lighting makes it feel like a real life scene taken from a fiction movie. it makes me feel as if people are about to go to battle, but the spirit of the lake is about to appear out of a misty pond.


Theme: Bizarre

Photo taken by me at June 4th, 2022

This is a picture that I took last year, in Happy Potter exhibition. This room is Hogwarts dinning hall, although it looks a little scary because of the way I took this photo. I choose this because I like how the red, blue and yellow all in the photo. And the candle that light up, the dragon which looks creepy, makes this photo bizarre.

Bizarre Lighting

Theme: bizarre

Credit: photo taken by a friend on Nov. 22nd, 2019 at the Museum of Illusions in NY

Description: I love the energy of this picture. It’s me from four years ago, on a field trip of sorts to the Museum of Illusions, and in this room, the lights were set up in the back to cast three different and differently-colored shadows when you stood in front of them. It’s so weird and so cool – one of those things that looks completely unexplainable until it’s explained, and after that it makes total sense. As a bonus, this is also a neat example of additive color mixing (for example you can see where the cyan and amber lights overlap to make green). Anyway, everyone should do a Superwoman pose in front of illusory lighting.

Bizarre Photo

Theme: Bizarre

Attribution: Megan Axton 6/9/19

Description: there’s a really bright light in the center, but the image still manages to look and feel dark. There are also people, but you cannot see them.

Bizarre Photo Observation

Travel Tips and Inspiration


The blue bioluminescent water reaching onto the shore is a mystifying and unusual sight. The majestic blue neon sharply outlines the waterline as the waves crash on to the beach. Additionally, the warm yellow sunset sharpens the blue tones even further, establishing a beautiful contrast. This moment is bizarre in that the water, through science, is dramatic in its blue tones, and the sunset is absurdly yellow.


Photo Observation


This lighting is in a video game and looks very bizarre to me because I cannot really find a clear source and there are many strange shadows. It is not life like and is just weird to look at.

Nightlife Photo

September 1st 2018- picture taken by my mom on a rooftop bar in NYC

Theme: nightlife

My mom took this picture on rooftop bar in NYC and while it might not be lively as a nightlife. I feel the use multiple colors of light coming from different sources helps capture feeling of a nightlife photo

Photo Observation- Bizarre

Date: February 27th 2023 in Central Pennsylvania

The sky is filled with pink and purple light streaks. The sky behind is a deep purple with the silhouettes of trees in the foreground and city lights in the wall down below. I chose this for bizarre because its out of the ordinary. You don’t see these lights every night.

Brennan Lighting Observation March 5th

Date: 03/05/2023

Time: 4:48 pm

Location: The living room of a house in East Hampton

Objective: Soft evening sun coming in from the high windows on the wall in front of me, harsh rays coming from behind over the half wall in the center of the room. A little too cool, except for the yellow hotspots on the walls. They are parallelograms, broken up with the shifting patterns of tree branches in the wind. An orange glow is creeping in from the next room over, the chandelier chock full of hot incandescent bulbs. The coated wooden floorboards are reflective, creating a mirror-like effect with subtle highlights seeming to continue into the ground from my perspective.

Subjective: It is a cool evening, right before sunset. The space feels very homey, soft, natural. The distinct color contrast between the cool glow of the darkening sky against the yellow beams of sunset light and orange glow of the chandelier makes the space feel lived in, not exactly in line with nature but not clashing too harshly. If void of people, it could surely be populated by ghosts. But no vengeful spirits, just the souls of some past resident settling down for their afternoon tea, or getting ready for dinner. Neutral, even a bit welcoming.

Light Observation

Location: Walking back from the Nethies core to my house

Date: 3/3/23

Time: 9:45PM

Objective: Moonlight filtering in through the very slightly open blinds in the house lounge.

Subjective: With all the lights off, the lounge is pitch black late at night. Moonlight calmly filters in through the windows and blinds, making all the shadowy furniture have a white aura around them, making it seem they just came out the episode of Avatar the Last Airbender where the moon spirit was killed (Season 1, episode 20) and everything turned to shades of gray. At that moment the room was filled with mystery even though I had already seen it hundreds of times before.

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