Lighting Observation

Date: 03/02/2023

Time: 9:00 pm

Location: in the kitchen at my house

Objective: No light streaming in from the window. All the fluorescent lights in the kitchen are on and the light has a more cooler tone. The kitchen is in a decent state. The cabinets are a mid-tone warm wood, the floor is made of plain white tiles, and all the appliances are a steel grey.

Subjective: The lighting in the kitchen reminded me of our “cold” themed photo observation assignment. I never noticed how the lighting in the kitchen made the kitchen seem so cold and lifeless. Despite the obvious mentions of livingness through the many items displayed in the kitchen, the cool fluorescent lighting washes it all out. It felt like the kitchen was empty and dull-probably the only the part that doesn’t feel like home. Also explains why I prefer lowering the lights whenever I start cooking,

Lighting Observation 2

Date: Feb. 26th 2023

Time: 5:29pm

Location: outside of Stuyvesant Hall, looking at Netherlands

Objective: The beginning of the sunset behind Nethies is this bright golden color and white in the brightest spots. The trees are silhouetted against the light, and the sky above it is gray.

Subjective: The light is comforting and warm, which is especially unusual for this month.  I was walking back from a fun acappella rehearsal with one of my good friends and the lighting was perfect for the mood I was in – it felt airy and pleasant and really uplifted my already-positive state of mind.

Lighting Observation

Date: 3/3/23

Time: 7:00 pm

The desk lamp I have attached to my bed in my dorm room fell and blinded me as it went to the ground.

As the bright white light fell, it reminded me of the sequence often used in movies when characters are sent to heaven or another realm and the camera is surrounded by white light. This purity of light is painful to view, but at the same time is somehow pleasing. Contrary to the sad, dark, and cloudy emotions that are associated with black, this white light felt tranquil and serene.

Light Observation

Date: March 2nd, 2023

Time: 8:30 pm

Outside the 13th-floor kitchen window Estabrook

Objective: View out the window overlooking Long Island towards New York city with the skyline lit up.

Subjective: The skyline lights in the distance have always given me a sense of comfort. The first time I went to the city and saw the skyline at night I fell in love with it. The look of tons of little lights in the distance shows that people are living their lives and that the world is still alive.

Lighting Moment 4

Date: 2/27/23

Time: 7:03 P.M.

Location: outside of Memorial Hall

Objective: the sky was completely dark but all the street lamps were on and there was light coming from Bits & Bites

Subjective: it was snowing and it was the first snow fall I’d gotten to see yet this season and the lighting highlighted the snow perfectly and I grinned like an idiot the whole walk back to my dorm

Lighting Observation

Wednesday March 1st at 2:40 pm in the Playhouse

The series of lights surrounding the Temple of Wonder drop for State Fair.

The twinkling lights surrounding the heavy drop made it feel magical. After working for hours on the circuits and installation of the lights, taking a seat in the house and just observing the way that the lights moved made the hard work feel worth it. The way that the lights seem to chase each other in a pattern around the fly makes the scenery look alive and is pulling all focus on the bare stage.

Photo Observation

Photo from

To me, nightlife is bright, flashy colors all shining together at once. Its not organized and looks a little bit chaotic, but the atmosphere being filled with saturated colors makes it feel dream like. The dim night sky contrasting against the neon signs below it also just brings the night to life and makes you feel alive.

Photo observation #3

Photo taken by me on 10/19/2022, inside Terminal 5

Theme: Nightlife

Description: This picture was taken at a concert I attended with a close friend, for a band called The Rose. The photo was taken right before they were going to start-around 8 pm that day. Concerts do a good job of showcasing what night life means to me. Concerts are usually the only reason that would push me to stay out that late and forego a good night sleep. There are multiple different colored lighting happening here. All the lights are vibrant pinks, reds, and blues in the otherwise dark venue. There was a lot of movement in the lights coming from the stage which only added to the liveliness and high energy of the place.

Night Life Photo Observation

Date: November 18th, 2021

Time: 6:37

Taken by me outside the MET Opera

The lights of the city just always speak of nightlife. The many lights from tall buildings in a dark sky, give me a warm feeling. The lights from the Opera house also speak of night life; the feelings of lights in the darkness with groups of people.


Night Life Photo


Theme: Night Life

Description: I chose a photo of the Capital One Arena in DC in the middle of an ice hickey game since they all take place at night. Time of the day aside, the lighting fits this theme since the entire arena is dark in the background, the only lights seen are the ones shining on the ice, and the effects stadium managers use to instill energy into the audience and the fans watching from home. Without fun effects and fun lighting in sports games, I feel that the energy would be diminished entirely. Lighting makes lots of things possible, but with vibrant colors and quick changes, it makes sports games a whole lot more fun at night when a lot of people start to lose energy, and become more tired.

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