Archive for the tag 'Bête noire'

Photo Observation #10



3. Bête Noire

4. A sunrise is one of the most spectacular things a person can lay eyes on. However, as I’m waking up this is the last thing I want to see. As my eyes got adjusted to the pitch blackness from sleeping, I become startled when a radiant beam of yellow and white blind me with a great ray of intensity. As it peeks out the window it fills my room with blaring reds, oranges, yellows and whites that tells me it’s time to wake up. Ironically enough, this beautiful spectacle of light is something I could never look forward to seeing.

5. Capture

Photo Obsv.




3) Bete Noire

4) What kinds of implications come with a sewer? Cold, wet, slimy, dark. The thought of being stuck underground in one of these creates a feeling of uncomfortableness in me. This image beautifully describes what I find as bete noire. The lighting in this image is especially unsettling, as the harsh fluorescents illuminate the green slime and filth on the wall. There is also a hint of unfeeling yellows and browns that make the stomach churn. The fact that the fluorescents illuminate the tunnel in its entirety, stretching for what seems forever, especially highlights the feeling of grossness in this image.


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Photo Observation



3. Bête noire: A person or thing strongly detested or avoided

4. This picture accounts for the subject mostly. Adolf Hitler is a person strongly detested for all of his actions in the second World War and the Holocaust and every horrendous deed ever done. But something that is often avoided is the fact that he was a person. I don’t want to defend Hitler. He was a terrible person. But he wasn’t all evil. History avoids the fact that he was nice to (German) children and gentle with animals because we want to see him as a completely evil being – because what sort of human can commit the monstrosities he did? The lighting plays on this, because it is evenly lit by the bright sun. The sun resembles happiness, and bright, even lighting is reminiscent of comedy shows – none of which we want to associate with Adolf Hitler. It just makes the shot that much more hateful.


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Photo Observation #10

War in Iraq


3) Bete Noire

4) Bete Noire, meaning, “someone or something which is particularly disliked or avoided; an object of aversion, the bane of one’s existence,” for me can be identified in warfare. This image, from 2003 in Baghdad during the Iraqi war. As someone who believes that issues can be settled/solved peacefully, this image embodies the possible destruction that comes of war. Man’s destruction of himself is visibly present in this picture; the only light source derives from the fire and its reflection. On a much smaller scale, I avoid wars on a day to day basis, making sure to keep the peace between everyone; when confrontation blows out of control or out of proportion (which happens easily with Drama majors) I feel like this image on the inside and I feel like having to sweep up the smoke and debris.

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Photo Observation #10

Bete Noire


Bete Noire

This picture represents something that I often have mixed feelings about. Though I enjoy a walk in the snow, there are very few situations in which I am more uncomfortable, especially at night. Being alone or lost in a cold, dark forest is a fear of mine, and I can’t imagine anything worse.


Bete Noire Light plot