Archive for the tag 'eyes'

Photo Observation #3

2. This photo came from the blog of Dr. Guy C. Clark, a dentist in Albuquerque.

3. Night Life

4. Only a dark and mysterious silhouette of the two owls can be made out in front of a dark, dull gray-blue sky. The flash of the camera reflects a bright red, menacing glare from their eyes, giving a sense of uneasiness to an otherwise tranquil scene and sending chills up one’s spine. The owls stare, unmoving; they aren’t threatened by anyone or anything, because once the sun sets, the woods belong to them.

Possessed Kitty

Screenshot 2015-03-19 16.29.58

Photo taken by Rych

Single Subject Single light source

This is a still from a camera video of my cat Sophie. The room was completely dark so I had the LED on my camera on and this reflection off of her eyes resulted. I almost used this for spooky; she looks evil and possessed.



Photo Observation #10



3. Bête Noire

4. A sunrise is one of the most spectacular things a person can lay eyes on. However, as I’m waking up this is the last thing I want to see. As my eyes got adjusted to the pitch blackness from sleeping, I become startled when a radiant beam of yellow and white blind me with a great ray of intensity. As it peeks out the window it fills my room with blaring reds, oranges, yellows and whites that tells me it’s time to wake up. Ironically enough, this beautiful spectacle of light is something I could never look forward to seeing.

5. Capture

Light Observation

I was sitting in the student center on Sunday, getting dinner with one of my friends.

There was light angling down from one of the high up windows that hit her accross the face, illuminating it in warm tones.

The way the light hit my friends face caught in her eye making her hazel irises shine brightly. Yet something caught me off-gaurd. Her iris was striped. Not like, my-irises-are-more-than-one-color striped, but like really-bad-wallpaper striped. The effect was pretty, but a little disconcerting. Until I realized that the stripes were actually the shadows of her eyelashes being cast across her face. I thought it was really cool because its really rare for people’s eyelashes to show up like that and for light to hit them in a way that casts a shadow, especially one with such clearly defined edges.

Photo Observation 9


3. intrigue

4. The first time I saw this photograph I was in photography class and I could not stop looking at it. Her eyes draw you in and hold you there. The light makes her eyes stand out so much and you can see the light used in her eyes. It is interesting that light can make a person’s eyes stand out so much that they command attention.  It is such an interesting and mysterious picture and I love that. I love that anyone can look at it and think something different about it except for the fact that she has amazing eyes.