Archive for the tag 'pitch'

Photo Observation #10



3. Bête Noire

4. A sunrise is one of the most spectacular things a person can lay eyes on. However, as I’m waking up this is the last thing I want to see. As my eyes got adjusted to the pitch blackness from sleeping, I become startled when a radiant beam of yellow and white blind me with a great ray of intensity. As it peeks out the window it fills my room with blaring reds, oranges, yellows and whites that tells me it’s time to wake up. Ironically enough, this beautiful spectacle of light is something I could never look forward to seeing.

5. Capture

Lighting Observation #5

1. 11/24/14 at around 10:00 at a shopping strip in my local area.

2. This was a long array of shops that had neon signs, street lamps and big bright letters on the top of every shop.

3. The pitch black night surrounds the bright and highly illuminated strip around my area. Everywhere you look is a different color. The large lettering on the top of the building, entices customers to walk through their doors. From light greens, reds, violets, ambers, whites and pinks, a wide array of lights glow across the sidewalk. In the cold and dark night, this colorful and actively lit area is where you would want to be.