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Lighting Observation #7

  1. Wednesday, March 29th, around 7:00pm. In my dorm.
  2. The setting Sun was coming through my window and hitting my roommate’s fish tank causing a tiny square of rainbow to hit certain spots of the room.
  3. I’ve always enjoyed seeing spots of rainbow due to how the Sun hits specific objects. The fish tank is fairly new, so previous sunsets never caused random rainbows to show up in my room. The placement of the fish tank was at an angle, so there was one rainbow on my side of the room and one on my roommate’s. This provided a nice balance, especially as the Sun continued to set and the rainbows moved across my room. It provided a nice calming or relaxing mood and a nice little sparkle of vibrance to a bland dorm room.

Advertisement/Desire Picture

  1. Gummy Bear ad found through Google.
  2. Theme: Advertisement/Desire
  3. I chose this ad because I found that the way the light is hitting the gummy bear and causing it to have that type of shadow makes the ad more desirable. The shadows help to fill in the negative space so the bears are all fitting into a line. I also found that because of the light, the middle gummy bear has a slight sparkle to it, which helps to illicit desire and make you want to consume the product.

Lighting Observation #6

  1. Thursday, March 17th. Around 10:30pm outside the Metropolitan Opera, looking at the hotel across the street.
  2. The hotel across the street had a red lit up “H,” “T,” and “L” with a barely visible blinking “O.” The Fountain outside the Met was lit with amber light.
  3. There was an ironic juxtaposition between the hotel’s lit up letters and the Met’s lit up fountain. On one side of the scene there was an almost ominous flickering of red block letters that could have been out of a murder documentary. On the other side there was a pleasant lit fountain allowing the water to sparkle, which is an inviting background for photos with family or friends. The contrast between the two sides of the scene was quite striking and I really appreciated how two moods could be depicted in a single “lighting moment.”

St. Patrick’s Day Picture

  1. I found this picture through Google, by searching “st. patricks day rainbow”
  2. Theme: St. Patrick’s Day
  3. The Sun is giving a nice front light that allows there to be a contrast between the green plant life and the grey clouds. Also, because of the way the Sun is shining, the vibrant colors from the rainbow provide nice unity, or a meeting ground for the clouds and greenery.

Lighting Observation #5

  1. Thursday, March 10th. Around 9:00pm at the corner of Stuyvesant looking across Oak street to the Netherlands.
  2. There were white street lamps contrasting the amber light coming from the lamps attached to the outside of the Netherlands Core, along with a haze in the air.
  3. As I was looking out across the street, I noticed how the beams of light were shining through the night sky. Because there was an odd haze in the air it caused the lights to shine almost like a four-legged star or a plus sign. This was already a striking shape, until I noticed how the white light made the shape sharper and the amber light across the street had a softer and almost more welcoming shape to it. I was already planning on crossing the street, but it was a pleasant feeling to be walking away from the harsh white light and towards the warm amber light.

Single Artificial Light Source Picture

  1. I found this picture on Google by searching “fun single lighting moments”
  2. Theme: Single Artificial Light Source
  3. The actor is being lit by a single spotlight. Because of the haze/fog, you are able to actually see the direct beam of the light and how it shines through space rather than appearing as a flood.

Lighting Observation #4

  1. Wednesday, March 2nd. Around 11:20am in Lowe 216.
  2. Our 15 minute break after drafting had just ended and David asked somebody to turn on the overhead lights that I hadn’t realized were off to begin with.
  3. I was sitting in my seat at the front of the classroom when the natural light coming in through the windows changed to fluorescent lighting all of a sudden. I was caught off guard because the difference between the soft natural light is a lot different than the harsh light from the overhead lights. The whole room changed colors, and it felt like where the room was originally absorbing light, it began reflecting it.

Night Life Picture

  1. This is a picture of a girl that was on my “fyp” in a Grinch costume. I do not know her account.
  2. Theme: Night Life
  3. Although there is very little “life” depicted in this picture, it still is a good representative of night life. This is the simple depiction of night life when you live in a suburb. The only light that is shining on the person laying in the middle of the road is a street lamp. It is also easy to see how there is a dark area in between the two street lamps in this picture. The white light shining on the ground gives a good contrast to the dark silhouettes of the trees and the night sky.

Lighting Observation #3

  1. Thursday, February 24th. At the Public-Martinson Theater.
  2. I was in the audience watching Out of Time. There was a lighting cue where all of the upstage amber lights on the ground were lit, then unexpectedly a led was lit shining a bright white light, backlighting the actor onstage.
  3. The led light was only used once during the whole show, and it was for this moment. I didn’t even realize the light was there until it was turned on. Because of its intensity and  quick movement, it was unexpected and when it first tuned on, I felt like everything stopped for a moment. I wasn’t paying attention to anything but that light. Then once my brain processed that the actor was speaking again, I wasn’t focused on the light anymore.

Cold Picture

  1. This is a still from Taylor Swift’s “White Horse” music video from 2009
  2. Theme: Cold
  3. I find that the harsh white light around Taylor’s head to give off cold. It’s not a warm light, like amber or red, and I find white to be more cold than blue because it takes out the color from the things around it and wash them out. The white also reflects off of Taylor’s blonde hair, which also helps to wash her out and take out the warm tones from the picture as a whole.

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