Archive for February, 2022

Lighting Observation #3

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 2/24/22 – 6:10pm – my living room

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light from my Tv as I watch youtube. The screen is the only source of light in the entire room.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The ever-changing screen changes from warm to cool and back a forth. 100’s of colors flashing within a minute, illuminating everything facing its bright glory. The vibrating colors shift the color of the boring muted blue wall and add life to such an uninspired wall. The erratic shift in light and color gives life to my glasses as if they are another mini screen to watch.

Lighting Observation

  1. Date / Time / Location: February 24th, 10:55 am, my backyard
  2. Objective Description: The sun was barely visible through the clouds and the air was crisp and cold. The sky was a soft overcast grey color and the usual heat that the sun emits was not present. Although it was daytime, it was not bright outside at all.
  3. Subjective Description: I prefer to utilize sunlight in the morning to wake myself up and perk up my mood for the day, since I am a firm believer in the benefits of Vitamin D. However, this deficit of light made me feel sluggish and lazy. Moreover, the coldness in combination with the grey sky made me rather cranky. This moment showed me how much I truly rely on sunlight and a bright sky to fuel my motivation and emotions for the day.

Photo Observation

Attributes: From “Top 10 Ice Caves in the World”

Theme: Cold

Description: I chose this image because of the wide variety of blues there are in the lighting. Blue is often associated with the cold and there are so many from the dark blues on the bottom of the image and around some of the ice formations to the neon blues at the entrances of the cave. The combination of these types of blues provides a really interesting depth to the image. I also love the texture of the image and feel that it adds to the theme. When I think of cold and ice I also think of sharp and jagged edges which the cave in this picture does have but it has them in a really interesting way where they are almost like spherical craters like on the moon. I also like that you can only see the shadow of the man in the image as it makes it feel isolating which also relates to the theme in my opinion.

Photo Observation

Attributes: Shutterstock

Theme: Cold

Description: Although not a whole lot is happening in this photo, I feel that the fog, dim lighting from the street lights, and darkness all portray a sense of coldness. The muted tones from the dark blacks, grey, and greens all blend together to create a hazy image. Moreover, the faint brightness from the street posts display a stark contrast to the surrounding darkness. While night time is already associated with colder temperature, the fog and deficit of illuminating moonlight further convey a lack of warmth.

Lighting Observation – #3

  1. 2/24 8:44am
  2. Location: On campus Dunkin Donuts window
  3. The reflection of  a line of three light bulbs against the window, warm light against cool colors of outside world. Gloomy gray day, but the warm Dunkin light, not harsh fluorescent like other overhead lights in most Hofstra buildings.

Cold Picture

  • Still Image from euphoria- a television show on HBO

  • THEME: Cold

  • DESCRIPTION: This image is depicting a state of invisibility and soullessness to reflect the feelings of the character.

Photo Observation

  1. ATTRIBUTES: Stock image I found on google:
  2. THEME: Cold
  3. DESCRIPTION: The lighting in this photo is very dim and all the light is a blue hue. It creates an almost empty feeling to the room despite the fact that the room is fully furnished. The cooler colors and lack of warmer colors (no pun intended) combined with the limited amount of light itself reminds me of a cold winter morning when the sun is just rising and the cold from the night before is still lingering.

Photo Observation

2), free photo


4) DESCRIPTION: The bleak landscape fades into the distance, obscured by the frigid, ever-thickening fog. I chose this image because I think the coloring and lighting of the image is really interesting and demonstrates the theme of COLD well. The gradient created by the lighting, with the dark, almost monochromatic lower-left corner fading into the burst of color in the blue sky and hazy green field. It displays the idea of winter pushing the warm, temperate weather away, and because of this, it feels transitional. The frost on the ground towards the side of the road reflects the bright daylight and glows around the bases of the trees.

Cold Picture

  1. This is a still from Taylor Swift’s “White Horse” music video from 2009
  2. Theme: Cold
  3. I find that the harsh white light around Taylor’s head to give off cold. It’s not a warm light, like amber or red, and I find white to be more cold than blue because it takes out the color from the things around it and wash them out. The white also reflects off of Taylor’s blonde hair, which also helps to wash her out and take out the warm tones from the picture as a whole.

Cold Photo Observation

Attributes: found from google

Theme: Cold

Description: I chose this photo because the whole scene is overwhelmingly white and is in colder tones. The way that everything is coated in snow and the snow is illuminated by the light gives the whole image a kinda foggy, monotone appearance that I always associate with the cold

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