Archive for the tag 'Stephanie'

Photo Observation

  1. Photo is from
  2. Theme: Single artificial light source
  3. Description: Alone on a street at night, a wandering man stares up at a street lamp. But like a spotlight in a theatre, it shines only on him. 


Lighting Observation

1) 2/17/20 at around 12:50pm in the Blackbox Theatre

2) The light in the lobby of the Blackbox theatre was incredibly bright. 

3) As I walked out of the dark Blackbox and into the lobby, the sunlight was streaming in from the large windows. The light was nearly blinding, and I had to step back and cover my face as my eyes adjusted to this new brightness. 


Light Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 2/10/20 at 1:10pm in Room 285 of Hagedorn Hall

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The standard lights from the ceiling were on in the classroom.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The prison-esque ceiling lights in the classroom instated a sterile feeling, as if there was no life or excitement to be had there. 

Photo Observation

  1. Photo is from, photographer unknown. 
  2. Theme: Romantic/Romance
  3. Description: Two souls find love under the twinkling lights of the stars above. 

Photo Observation

1) Photo is from, from BBC

2) THEME: Shadow

3) DESCRIPTION: In a billboard advertisement for Dracula on BBC, there are a bunch of knives placed seemingly haphazardly on a white billboard. However, we know that vampires thrive at night, as does this billboard. When the light hits the knives just right, they cast a shadow that looks like Dracula with his mouth open, ready to feast. 

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 2/3/2020 at around 7:45am in my room in Vander Poel, facing East

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sky looked like a line of grey clouds, but then it abruptly ended right above the horizon when the sun was rising. 

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sky was a wall of opaque grey clouds, but there was a stark line of demarcation on the horizon where the golden sun was rising over the Nassau Collesium. Despite the light, the clouds remained dominant. 


Photo Observation

1.) Photo was taken by me on November 10th at 4:44pm on the Unispan.

2) Sunset/Sunrise

3) The sky looked as if it was carefully painted in vibrant colors of coral, gold, and lavender above the Nether-span.


Lighting Observation

1) Saturday, January 25th at around 11:30pm in my boyfriend’s room in Hicksville, NY

2) The light of a salt lamp casting a orangeish, pink glow over everything, except for the shadows which were a dark blue. 

3) My boyfriend and I were talking late at night and we had a salt lamp on. In the dark room, it illuminated half of his face in a warm glow, and the other half was in shadow, a deep blue. The way the light bisected his face was a beautiful contrast. 


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